Citizens of Humanity is a Los Angeles-based premium denim label that has captivated the world with a devoted commitment to producing the highest quality denim, without compromise.

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"Kiss The Ground" Cotton Initiative

The name, “Kiss the Ground" Cotton will let consumers know that products they purchase are being made with cotton that has being grown on farms engaged in regenerative agriculture practices. The program will work directly with farmers in the United States and abroad supporting their growth, education, and adoption along the continuum of regenerative agriculture. This partnership will benefit the Kiss the Ground non-profit organization with endowments for each pound of cotton produced to support the broader regenerative agriculture movement.

Regenerative farming has been proven to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increase organic matter for a healthier soil, by sequestering carbon through increasing photosynthesis. The regenerative agriculture practice of building and maintaining living soils full of beneficial biology makes food available for the crop, thus removing the need for synthetic inputs. There are several different methods and techniques that make up regenerative agriculture.